Телезрители набросились на Ольгу Орлову с критикой
The star gave a rebuff to fans of “House-2”.

Olga Orlova

Photo: @Instagram olgaorlova1311 Olga Orlova

Olga Orlova has responded to online criticism. This spring, the actress became the host of the TV show “House-2”. Recently this post is once again brought to life the stars scandal. Olga was harshly criticized by fans of the program for the incident happened on the set of telestroke.

Fans, as it turned out, “mad” due to the fact that Orlov was expelled on the eve of two participants from the project. Orlov defended his rights, stating that the aether was shown not the full story of what happened. She absolutely has no regrets in his decision.

“Each show has its own rules, which, in particular, are subject to and leading! There will always be unhappy when someone leaves the project. There are always those who are “for” and “against” a particular party! It is pointless to write angry messages because the course of events has not changed. Specifically this time on the air did not get the full picture, because the participants behaved very indecently. Including and for this they left the project. I don’t mind constructive discussions if they are correctly stated. All fans to insult and write bad things will be blocked immediately! Before you tell me how to live, do some improvements yourself, I’m sure you have work to do!” — said Olga in social networks.

By the way, her colleagues Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova also often come under criticism fans of “House-2”, only they have decades of experience already developed immunity to the “hysteria” of fans of the project. Olga has yet to learn to ignore negative viewers.