ВИДЕО: Наталья Власова нашла потерянную сестру
A relative of the singer was the athlete of world level.

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Natalia Vlasova found cousin with which communication was lost a few years ago. A relative (by the way, the namesake of the singer) was superpotency!

ВИДЕО: Наталья Власова нашла потерянную сестру

Natalia Vlasova

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

“Unfortunately, sometimes we lose sight of for many years even
short of their relatives, — says Vlasov. — Natasha (the name our family has always been indifferent, so when my cousin called it
as well as me) had not seen for 11 years. And during this time the child has no
relationship to the sport, she became a world champion in kickboxing! My sister is now 21, and I’m proud of her success!”

ВИДЕО: Наталья Власова нашла потерянную сестру

Singer Natalia Vlasova sister — namesake and champion of the world

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

The meeting of two Natasha happened on the birthday of the singer, where
gathered friends and the whole family of stars. “Such a rare combination of playfulness, sincerity, kindness, strength
spirit and physical strength, like Natasha, it is impossible to forget. New victories and adventures!” wished sister-athlete Vlasov. The next day relatives staged a joint exercise in the fitness room.

ВИДЕО: Наталья Власова нашла потерянную сестру

Athlete Natalia Vlasova

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

Natalia Vlasova mom

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event