ВИДЕО «КИНОТАВР – 2017»: Кирилл Плетнев изучает своих конкурентов
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Nino Ninidze, Kirill Pletnev

Photo: Philip Goncharov

In the main competition
the current program of “Kinotavr” 14 films. Not all Directors were able to come to
Sochi for the entire duration of the festival, to see films of their competitors. But Kirill Pletnev, presenting the film “Burn”, has decided to personally assess their chances and so
visited all, without exception, shows.

Along with Pletnev
in Sochi came his common-law wife Nino Ninidze. Recall that it was at “Kinotavr”
they met two years ago, and last year Cyril won in Sochi a victory
in the competition of short films and now tries his hand as a feature film Director
gaming movie. By the way, they Nino you little son of a header, which appeared on
light a few months ago, remained in Moscow with grandparents while mom and dad
participate in your next “Kinotavr”. And this festival, as we have seen,
this pair brings only good luck.

To see
with my own eyes all the behind the scenes of “Kinotavr” it is possible to record online broadcasts.