Виктория Романец заявила, что Евгения Феофилактова сама разрушила брак
After learning about the divorce of the stars of the TV project “Dom-2” Eugene Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev, fans of the reality show accused Victoria romanet in the collapse of the family.

Виктория Романец заявила, что Евгения Феофилактова сама разрушила брак

According to Victoria, she started to meet with Anton, when he with his wife had filed for divorce. Romanet surprised that Eugene wasn’t even surprised later parishes husband home.

Виктория Романец заявила, что Евгения Феофилактова сама разрушила брак

“Before you start a relationship with Anton, I first made sure that no feelings TS it to Evgenia, in addition to habits, long gone. Would never meet up with a married man, knowing that he will not leave the family.

Then he admitted that he finally parted with his wife, and offered to move to another stage of relations. I won’t lie; there was no doubt that during the divorce he tried to establish with his wife’s relations, but I accepted it. I know not everyone can move quickly – I myself after breaking up another long conversation with Cherkasov. But when Anton decided to be together, it just did not make a secret of it and especially to hide. Though in fact the stamp in his passport was still standing,” said Victoria.

The girl was of the opinion that Eugene little attention has been paid to her husband, and that was the main reason for their divorce.

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