Victoria Bonya reported that she was in love with a married man a permanent man, but she hastened to refute these assumptions.

Victoria Bonya announced that she was in love into a married man The day before, before the concert of Olga Buzova, Bonya was buying ice cream and the saleswoman probably wanted to compliment her, saying that Vika looks like from the cover of Playboy. To which Bonya replied that her man should know about it.

Victoria Bonya reported that she is in love with a married man

And on the show “Evil Tongues” Bonya suddenly opened up and admitted that she had fallen in love with a married man: “He is a foreigner, and he is married. And I don't know what to do about it, because it's my taboo. Yes, I'm with him. I don't understand how to deal with myself.”

Victoria Bonya said she was in love with married man

Here are the confessions. Now we need to understand whether she is lying or the truth decided to take the man away from the family.

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