Вера Брежнева снимается в российском сериале

Showing his chops in several Russian films, Vera Brezhnev took over the series.

The other day the ex-VIA Gra has published on his page in Instagram photo, which was captured with Pavel Priluchny.

“He’s near � now you can work calmly � pleasant acquaintance, a pleasant cooperation,” wrote Brezhnev. Apparently, with Paul, Faith starred in the sequel “Major”, which were successfully broadcast on TV in late 2014.

Who played Leonid Brezhnev in teledetection, not specified.

Recall series “C” — Russian serial action-drama detective television film 2014, directed by Constantine State. After a successful start, the series producer Alexander Tsekalo told that the second season is sure to be, and its shooting will begin in February 2015. But as we can see, the process dragged on for more than a year.

“Major” shows us careless child high-ranking, wealthy father, which, after studying to be a lawyer, never worked in the specialty. They had plenty of riotous life of the son, which will not lead to anything good, his father decides to send him to the police station. It, “major”, are not welcome there. Moreover, despise him. But that is where he will become a real man that will meet my love and find her mother’s killer.

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