Василий Уткин сообщил в подробностях о конфликте с Первым каналом
Vasily Utkin was looking forward to the opportunity to comment on the world Cup, which was held recently in Russia.

Василий Уткин сообщил в подробностях о конфликте с Первым каналом

But after a few matches commentator was suspended from work, as reported by Utkin for its followers. Basil did not dwell on the reasons for leaving the First channel, but recently decided to have a Frank conversation.

Василий Уткин сообщил в подробностях о конфликте с Первым каналом

“When we were talking about the termination of cooperation, I realized that I have a rare opportunity to say Ernst that I think about it. At this point it became obvious that to me it is nothing bad to do. And I have nothing to fear, nothing to ask, because our cooperation is over. And I said I always wanted to work with him. I am very pleased that this meeting took place. I’m sorry we interrupted, but the First channel is completely innocent. I can’t be no grudge against him. At all.

I want to clarify one more thing. I read all the comments that I wrote under my treatment. And realized that people have the feeling that the First somehow kicked me out or change my mind. In the air change. This is not so. We did not break off relations, if you paid attention. The first channel is de jure fulfilled the contract. We had an agreement about the work that I have done. And which he completely with me paid off. The fee is still not paid — it is necessary to sign a contract. But will pay. Although I don’t even know what’s the fees,” said the commentator.

But the presenter and did not advertise the true causes of such a serious step.

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