The actor will play the tanker to one of the new works. Vasily Stepanov who has recently started attending social events, involved in the shooting of a new picture. A young man appears in the way in which fans have never seen.
Russian actor Vasily Stepanov, remembered by the audience for her role in the film “Inhabited island”, returned to filming in films. The young man showed in his shots where he appeared in the form of tanker Soviet times. Fans congratulate the actor with new roles and wish him well. “Bob – well done! Very happy. Want an interesting job!”, “Very cool”, “I Will wait for the movie and will go watch it”, “an Unexpected way! Wearing glasses is intelligent!”, – admired fans Stepanova.
By the way, the actor has already started to appear at social events. In September, Vasily attended a party at Lena, devoted to the presentation of the bath. The young man received an award from the well-known writer in the category “Sex symbol of the year”. “Award Lena was a surprise to me. I didn’t expect that I have any interest. Now I work, is busy in several projects. Will be available next year”, — said Vasily Stepanov “StarHit”. Vasily Stepanov returns to secular life
For several months brother Stepanov Maxim helps him find roles. In an interview with “StarHit” Vasily told me that he would like to play the romantic hero. “Max has been driving me to auditions – shared the actor. – Feel calmer when close nearby. One of the first asked me: “Who is the action hero of our time?” I’m confused – don’t follow new films. But then I remembered Danila Kozlovsky in “duhless”. A good actor, and the film adaptation did a good. Earlier and told me that I look like a hero-lover. However, I don’t know how now my appearance meets the standards of beauty. Still auditioning for a romantic lead. To play the main characters I don’t give, secondaries why not?”