Василий Степанов сообщил подробности, из-за чего выпал из окна
About a month ago, the media reported the shocking news that actor Vasily Stepanov fell from the window of his house.

Василий Степанов сообщил подробности, из-за чего выпал из окна

After the incident, the actor was placed on treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

Recently a young man spoke to reporters for the first time and told them what happened.

“I rescued a cat, she crawled over the ledge of the third floor. Got down from his fifth and wanted to get her out but failed. The result was a broken leg and arm. If it fell from the fifth floor, then perhaps all would not end well… Hard to say what survived for the second, when he fell down. I remember that I woke up on the ground, felt the pain in hand, leg. Of course, could not move. I saw people who were on the street and called an ambulance. Nobody was at home: his brother was working and mom went,” says the man.

Basil recognized that his health is much better.

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