Валерий Меладзе с ностальгией вспоминает "золотой" состав "ВИА Гры"
The group “VIA Gra”, which was Vera Brezhneva, and Anna Sedokova and Hope Granovskaya, was wildly popular.

Валерий Меладзе с ностальгией вспоминает "золотой" состав "ВИА Гры"

But five years ago, the team ceased to exist, and a year producer Konstantin Meladze together a new lineup, which was unable to win the love of fans. Brother of composer Valery Meladze in agreement with the opinion of fans.

Валерий Меладзе с ностальгией вспоминает "золотой" состав "ВИА Гры"

“VIA Gra” is a project forever. Mainly due to the fact of baggage and those songs which were written by Peter. Honestly, I am very sad that collapsed the old structure. Kostya wrote these songs could sing and adult women. Very sad when people get tired of working in show business. It happens for different reasons. I in any case do not put anyone to blame. There are different circumstances”, said the singer in a recent interview.

We will remind that now in “VIA GRE” are Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Eric Herceg and Olga Megansa.

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