The eldest daughter of the Russian artist Valery Meladze Inga, born in his first marriage, to get married. This girl said on his page on the social network Instagram, stating that they have a British fiance Nori Verghese will be “wedding of the century”.
Elect Inga became a reporter for Al Jazeera. The pair celebrated their engagement last year, and the wedding was scheduled for October 2017.
“Two weeks ago we had a year from the date of engagement, and for exactly a year this weekend we will celebrate the wedding of 07-08.10.The 2017 date is scheduled, the countdown has begun” — written by Inga in his microblog.
Irina, mother Inga, has shared details of future triumph. According to ex-wife Valerie, son-in-law will be feasting with her daughter with his own money, and it can not but admire.
“I like the commitment of the groom Inga. He’s not going to sit on the neck of his father, he learned Arabic in a year and got a job as a journalist in a popular publication. Nori plans to open a loan for an apartment in London. I of course wish the daughter lived next to me, but it’s her life, let her decide everything” — said Irina.