Валерия считает, что избранник дочери не подходит для роли главы семейства

A famous singer Valeria became the heroine of the first issue of the new show “the Secret in a million” on NTV channel. The mother of three children told about his attitude to the choice of his daughter and previous marriage in which not a few have experienced. She believes that the beloved daughter is not suitable for the role of head of the family, but only for the role of boyfriend.

Валерия считает, что избранник дочери не подходит для роли главы семейства

Daughter Valerie Anne Shulgin lives in a civil marriage with the rapper Slam and leads a fully independent life. The girl’s mother in an interview with Leroy Kudryavtseva admitted that he does not Harbor positive feelings for the chosen one Anna. The reasons for this attitude to the guy she can not find, but as a boyfriend has no claims.

“It’s hard for me to imagine him as a husband and father of children. I don’t know why. And as a young man – let it be, yeah,” admitted the singer.

The daughter of singer also appeared in the Studio and told leading that mom closely communicates and secrets between themselves, they do not keep. But she said that most likely my mom’s opinion does not listen, because he loves the elect and free to do as they. Shulgin believes that if they make a mistake it will be her mistake that she will learn.

“Eighty percent of a hundred that I’ll do as I please, said Shulgin. – This is my life. And even if I step on a rake it will be my mistake.”

Daughter completely takes after her mother, because at the time, Valery also did not listen to the opinions of the mother. The singer recalls how many listened to the arguments my mother about producer Alexander Shulgin. When her mother saw the son-in-law immediately said that the girl will have hard.

And so it happened. Valeria suffered from family violence, but despite this, she forgave her husband and bore him three children. But Valeria could not resist the perpetual beatings that had so suffered by their children and left. The singer is afraid that her daughter stepped on the same rake.

Lera Kudryavtseva decided to ask a spicy question about grandchildren. The lead and spectators were interested in Valery ready to be a grandmother. What artist was the answer, because apparently, this issue has not once been discussed in the family circle. The singer prefers that it be called by name and not grandma.

“I often say to children: children, if you plant a family, decide on the children, it is your responsibility, — said Valery. But the word “grandma” it is strange. Can’t myself to try it. And I guess I wouldn’t want to I was referred. Better – named”.