Валерий и Константин Меладзе рассказали о спорах с женами The musicians shared personal stories about how not to spoil relations with the second halves. Valery and Konstantin Meladze admitted that trying to avoid conflict and to show men wisdom in relation to dear people.
Валерий и Константин Меладзе рассказали о спорах с женами

Fans of Valery and Konstantin Meladze many years wondering how they manage to maintain friendships with former lovers and a protégé. It turned out that performer and composer do not consider it necessary to rant and rave and find out who is right. In any communication with the opposite sex, including women artists exhibit tact and patience that helps them to smooth out the rough edges. Ex-wife Meladze spoke about Albina Dzhanabaeva

Валерий и Константин Меладзе рассказали о спорах с женами
“We don’t usually argue with women. We are falling behind. Well, Kostya, to a lesser extent, of course, but I can argue sometimes. All women are always trying to command men – we’re trying to resist. Our grandfather did wisely: he was listening to a grandmother who was quite strict and then did things his own way. But never argued. I think it’s way out. Because to argue with a woman is pointless and to do it fully, as required by the woman is absolutely useless. To do things his own way – then you can lose a woman… So you need to listen, show respect”, – expressed Valery.

It should be noted that, in the education of the children of men adhere to such tactics. Meladze brothers don’t scold and don’t punish the heirs, believing them to be reasonable and understanding. According to Valery, he sometimes allows himself to grumble, but in General trying to please their loved ones. But Constantine, he was quite relaxed. The ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze told the truth about raising a son with autism

“I indulge. Well, as spoil – the fact that they are so good and so educated and so they have developed an immunity that they can be spoiled. Of course, in a measure,” – says the producer.

In addition, in an interview with the stars shared their thoughts on the theme of the wedding of the eldest daughter Valeria Inga. In January, the beauty of legalized relations with the lover, the Englishman Nori Vergina. Small celebration on this occasion took place in Cambridge, where he was an affair of young people. This was the singer told Yuri Nikolaev, the programme “my word”.

“Let’s go the wedding to celebrate. They got married, but I believe that people are truly married when we had it. I recently downloaded a book on the Internet, what are the names of relatives. However, in English it still sounds different.”