Валерия Гай Германика должна государству 264 тысячи

Director Valeria Gai Germanicus was spending the summer holiday in Cyprus with daughters Octavia and Severina, while the state tried to get the payment receipts, the amount of which is more than 260 thousand rubles.

Валерия Гай Германика должна государству 264 тысячи

In late July, the star billed the Federal tax service Inspectorate of Moscow, which he has not paid, for which he received a subpoena.

“She knew about duty, journalists learned of “StarHit” from the inner circle of stars. – IRS officials then sent the receipt at the place of residence, I get calls and messages on mobile. Of course, at first the amount of debt was much lower. But Leroy waved and said, “I’ll pay you back!” The result is accumulated as many as 264 thousand rubles, which she probably just forgot to pay all summer with her daughters Octavia and Severina had a rest in Cyprus. They returned home relatively recently – a few weeks ago.”

Валерия Гай Германика должна государству 264 тысячи

In addition to the rest of Cyprus, the Director is filming the new film “Bonus”, the release of which is scheduled for 2018. The film takes the script by Dmitry Ivanov about the rapper named Bonus. Using links, the guy gets to Moscow, where on his way there are many obstacles and trouble. He also met with the daughter of a businessman, which falls, causing the same to fall into the adventure. He was waiting for the UPS and downs, which will tell the future picture. It is possible that the tape we’ll see musical numbers and not enough drama.

The Director is raising two daughters named Octavia and Severin, while her ex-husband Valerie Vadim Lyubushkin started a new passion. The network has even been discussion of his engagement with Alla Kocherga. Germanicus he met with the father Came to the “Dancing with the stars”, and in July of last year, they were married.

Valeria Gai Germanika’s not afraid to take on the work of the youngest daughter. She rarely “helps” the mother to work on a new painting “Bonus”.

Valeria left her husband in 2016, when had second child. The reason for the divorce, she calls the lies that Valeria was unable to endure. Lyubushkin not even visited the mother daughter in the hospital.

“He lied to her at every step, and a few months ago, actually staged the whole performance. Told her I was going to type to Omsk to visit my mom and finish some business, and he tihushku went to America for his ex-wife. Leroy learned this purely by accident and no longer able to tolerate. It doesn’t even stop what she was soon to give birth,” — said one of the friends of the former couple about the break-up Valeria and Vadim.