Валерия Гай германика должна оплатить долг в 260 тысяч государству
About a month ago the IRS announced the debt the famous Director Valeria Gai Germanicus.

Валерия Гай германика должна оплатить долг в 260 тысяч государству

It should state the amount of 260 thousand rubles. At the same time the debt star has long been informed, but she waved.

Валерия Гай германика должна оплатить долг в 260 тысяч государству

“She knew about the debt, are divided close to Valeria. – IRS officials then sent the receipt at the place of residence, I get calls and messages on mobile. Of course, at first the amount of debt was much lower. But Leroy waved and said, “I’ll pay you back!” The result is accumulated as many as 264 thousand rubles, which she probably just forgot to pay all summer with her daughters Octavia and Severina had a rest in Cyprus. They returned home relatively recently – a few weeks ago.”

It is worth noting that the Director older two charming daughters upbringing which valeriia one.

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