Валентин Юдашкин пропустил Неделю моды в Париже из-за проблем со здоровьем

Fashion week in France took place without the personal presence of Valentin Yudashkin. In the fashion capital of the designer is not able to go due to health problems. 52-year-old Russian fashion designer at the moment is undergoing rehabilitation after surgery on the kidneys. But what was the cause of surgical intervention is not specified.

At the moment his condition is not cause any concern. And although he is still in the hospital, the relatives of Valentin Yudashkin hope for his quick statement.

By the way, in Paris, Yudashkin sent their spring and summer collection, which was accepted by the audience with enthusiasm.

To pay homage to the guests of the show is Valentine, left, his daughter Galina, and his son Anatoly.