Валентин Гафт восстанавливается после операции A famous actor has undergone surgery. On the eve of Valentine Gaft was taken to the hospital. Artist had to cancel the show: he is not only starring, but also the author.

Today it became known that the people’s artist of Russia Valentin Gaft was operated. A famous actor has addressed for the help to doctors due to pain in his hand. According to his friend and colleague, the Director said Bagova, the artist was an old injury, which, apparently, made itself felt now. The pain was so strong that he decided not to delay and contact the experts.

Initially the 82-year-old Valentin I. was planning to engage in their own health after the premiere of “as long as there is space.” He co-authored pieces with said Mahovym. Together they embody conceived on stage – Gaft plays the stepfather, and Bugs takes the role of a stepchild. Sayid admitted that he doubted whether he would be able to work with a famous artist. However, I decided to try. According to Bagova, they began to rehearse his performance two years ago. The actor said that he was pleased to work with Valentin Iosifovich. Despite the popularity and brilliant acting, the master allows himself to doubt and does not always chuvtsvo yourself on the stage confidently.

Three years ago, Valentin Gaft had a serious operation on the heart. After endoscopic intervention, loved by millions of viewers of the actor was put into a state of drug-induced coma. Some time later, the condition Valentin Iosifovich has improved markedly – he again returned to active work in the theatre. Doctors suspect Valentin Gaft Parkinson’s disease

Today on the stage of the theatre “Sovremennik” was scheduled for performance. However, it was moved to February of next year. The fans hope for the speedy recovery of the beloved actor.

“Due to illness artist performance of “as long as there is space”, declared on 15 December 2017, transferred on 5 February 2018. Tickets are valid”, – reads the statement on the website of the theatre.

And as reports the edition “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, December 29, Valentin I. plans to go on stage before the audience.