«Уральские пельмени» вновь обвинили экс-продюсера в воровстве Sergey Isaev stated about the unfair attitude to the team. During the two years between “the Ural pelmeni” Sergey Nitievskiy and lasts for controversy. However, the former head believes that the fraud involved the Manager.
«Уральские пельмени» вновь обвинили экс-продюсера в воровстве

At the end of 2015, there was a scandal between producer Sergey Nitievskiy and team popular team “Ural dumplings”. The parties were unable to negotiate peacefully, and therefore appealed to the court, where the change of the head declared illegal. The team had to pay Neieskau court costs in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. Ex-Director of “Ural dumplings” on the court: “This is the classic argument of the team with producer”

Despite the fact that by law, former producer was reinstated, the artists continue to believe a dishonest employee.

“He has not resigned, and we just fired. All because of the theft. Everything we created with his own hands, invested their money back, Nitievskiy thought, for some reason, his property. He began to believe that he is our producer. And we are only a small part of the team, almost unimportant. And money for the production of the show, he was taken away. That’s what we he got kicked out,” said the current head Sergei Isaev.

However, Nitievskiy told me that actually he has not appropriated all the fees yourself. In his opinion, it was done by a completely different employee who worked in his production company and then decided to start his own business. “I understand that they do not themselves, and under the influence of my former Manager Eugene Orlov, who, because of the announced to it of mistrust on the part of the founders, was prematurely released from office in the Director “obsessed media”. He took loans from the company in excess of 100 million rubles without approval of the shareholders. In addition, he brought the rights to all past concerts, the show “Ural dumplings” worth over $ 200 million in favor of the company, where he eventually became Director!” – said the producer.

Isaev has denied in conversation with the correspondent of the edition “Komsomol truth” to the rumors that Natascha had creative differences with the team. Now producer engaged in their own projects.

“Sergei considers himself a very strong producer, he believes that we owe him the fact that he was on TV. So let them create the show and hyping it up to any level what you wish. We will be happy. And then, he says that he “ceased to burn the eye”. Apparently, they started on the financial part of the show,” – said Isayev.