«Неприятный тип»: на будущего зятя Агутина обрушился шквал критики
A young man was convicted untidy.

Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum

Photo: @agutinleonid Instagram Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin again jeopardize the happiness the younger daughter. The singer posted on Twitter a family photo with the future son-in-law. Appearance Brand once again became the subject of discussion by fans of the Russian artist. He compares Agutin boyfriend’s daughter with “musketeer”, but fans called it looks untidy and even ugly.

“Oh my God, what an unpleasant fellow, at least have combed your hair”, “Beautiful daughter, wonderful parents. This miracle does not fit in any way”, “my daughter had such a choice and she fell in love with this guy? MDA”, “Even unpleasant to watch him, maybe his hair combed back in a ponytail?”are you kidding me subscribers Leonid. Well, the mark does not know Russian language, and not read any opinion about it fans of the Russian artist. Agutin assures fans, they say, appearances are deceiving: he’s a fine man and a talented musician. It’s funny that the last time the Russian pair showed the Mark to his defense stood Anzhelika Varum — his future mother-in-law. She condemned those who judge the “book by its cover”. Varum fully supports the choice of girls.

But Angelica simply fans Agutin showered with compliments. Luxury image of the singer, which she chose for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of family life, delighted the overwhelming majority of users. Recall that the anniversary of the star has shared a touching declarations of love, and then threw a party. They invited only family members.