Today, 24 October, 27-year-old singer Selena Gomez showed the world their new video clip called “Look at her,” and he became the second this week. In the first clip tells of a failed love singer to Justin Bieber. Both clips are linked in meaning, and now she lets everyone understand that nothing else feels about a former lover.
The first song Selena did not write one, she helped two other well-known author. After the second clip Gomez decided to comment on the situation. She explained that these two clips tell people that life never stops, and you can improve and strive for anything, despite the problems that surround us. To live exclusively by the rules and not think about what others will say.
Apparently, the words of the song say that Selena was able to survive the separation from Justin Bieber and is ready to go forward to a new relationship. While the singer does think only about himself: “she knows that She will find love only if she wants it”.
“Of course, she was sad, but now she was glad she dodged a bullet. It took a few years, that tears had dried, but look at her now, see how it goes” — these words are also present in the song.
Fans of the singer immediately realized that these two singles to her former loved one Justin Bieber, the guy made a proposal of marriage to his new girlfriend, just a couple of months after the breakup with Gomez. Wife Bieber model Hailey Baldwin did not reply after I saw the first video of Selena, and recorded a slight appeal to the singer in Instagram. At the moment no reaction from the model no, maybe she just haven’t seen the second clip.
In the clip Selena posing in two different outfits: a short silver dress and a black leather suit. It is interesting to note that both videos were filmed on camera iPhone 11 Pro.
Worth noting that the latest album was released Gomez in 2015. Since that time, she wrote a couple of songs, but a career was not engaged because of a severe psychological condition. She acted as a producer on some television shows, and also participated in the filming of the movie “13 reasons why”. The film tells about the plight of the people living in the U.S. without official documents.