Тутта Ларсен рассказала, как похудеть после родов
Is it possible to lose kilos thanks to the postnatal swaddling.

Tutta Larsen remembered events from childhood after her swaddle

Photo: Press service of hit home Larsen

now many young mothers can be solved postnatal swaddling. What is the procedure? How do postnatal swaddling, and
whether it helps from a variety of postpartum ailments? Tutta Larsen
argues that it is this procedure affected psychologically.

“Personally, I did postpartum swaddling after two weeks
after giving birth, “says the presenter,” I had a very interesting effect
the truth is not so much physiological as psychological. During postnatal swaddling, which
lasted several hours, I suddenly remembered some events from my childhood,
which helped me to understand many things about myself today. I realized what
my children’s problem prevented me to fully relax during childbirth, to me
came some clarity and relief. But I expected a little more effect
the physical point of view, so I can’t say that postnatal massage is
procedure that all women must go through”

Experts believe that postpartum swaddling
is a restorative procedure that helps the woman to return to him and
to get in shape. It helps a woman to decrease in size, to repair the waist
and to lose weight. The procedure for changing the effect of reheating and displays
the hormone relaxin, which accumulates over the
pregnancy, due to this, leaves and excess weight. Swaddling can be used to edit body
after the birth, and to solve
psychological problems of a young mother.
There are several different types of swaddling the body, and psychological
aspects. Making procedure is best
in the first 10 days after birth, if we are talking about the physical aspect, and
much later, if we are talking about psychological or energy

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