Tutta Larsen has launched projects in which she will talk about family happiness She has begun work on a series of documentaries.

Tutta Larsen has launched projects in which she will talk about family happinessIn her new project, the Russian TV and radio host and journalist will tell about happy families who maintain love and unity despite the difficult life circumstances that accompany them.

The idea of ​​launching the project “Happy in Different Ways” came to Tutta several years ago. Among her acquaintances was a married couple who experienced an extremely difficult moment in their lives, but were able to save their family. Inspired by their story, the TV presenter decided to record a series of documentaries about couples who were not broken by life's troubles, and they managed to preserve the most valuable thing in their lives – love and family.

Tutta Larsen has launched projects in which she will talk about family happiness

— I really wanted to tell about such families, because each of us wants to be happy, but sometimes it seems to us that in our circumstances it is impossible. The idea was supported by the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, and we launched the project with their support. I want our heroes to inspire people, to give them hope, so that our series of documentaries becomes a powerful resource, a kind of thread of love, so that anyone who watches the project can be inspired and, perhaps, create their own family, in which they will be happy not like others – but in their own way.

Tutta Larsen Launches Projects to Talk About Family Happiness

In the process of work, another idea for a separate project arose – a series of documentaries about couples where one of the spouses is a foreigner and the family consciously chose Russia as the place where they would like to live, develop a business, and raise children.

— I approached the Institute for Internet Development with the idea for the second project – they liked it, and we launched the project “Happy in Different Ways. To Russia with Love.” We have already filmed families who purposefully moved to Russia from the USA, Canada, England, and even Australia. There are many more great stories ahead.

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