Тутта Ларсен родила от смеха
The presenter discussed with the specialists thorny issue.

Tutta Larsen

The new season
channel TUTTA.TV begins with the topic of sex
a few days before delivery. They say that it is a good stimulant of delivery.
And if the time came to give birth, and the baby is not born, it is possible
to join with her husband in an intimate relationship, and everything will happen.

Although the opinions of doctors about sex helps or
the early onset of delivery differ, the tutta Larsen
shares in the program for its unconventional way to induce labor. The leader told about how when she
was perenashivanie pregnancy, have helped her laugh. “My doctor advised me to watch
Comedy, and after watching the two films birth really began —
tutta says. — Therefore, even if the sex before the birth is not for everyone,
do not forget about the role of positive emotions, endorphins and the right attitude to birth started and
gone as well”.

Some doctors believe that sex can really
to facilitate the emergence of the baby born. In addition, lovemaking
enables the woman to relax, to let go of thoughts and fears before the birth,
what also helps to speed up the process.