Лечение от алкоголизма Криса Кельми дает результаты
Currently, the musician Chris kelmi is in the clinic of Thailand, where is being treated for alcoholism.

Лечение от алкоголизма Криса Кельми дает результаты

Brother Chris Eugene Suslin spoke about his health and told about the first results of treatment.

Лечение от алкоголизма Криса Кельми дает результаты

“He told me that the clinic there is excellent, the staff is also. His speech has improved! How much is Chris gonna be in there, will look at the situation. I’ve tried to persuade him to seriously address their health. Thank God, now it happened finally! He was treated 10 days in Moscow, and the next stage is already Thailand. Over the last few years this is his first serious course of treatment. I am very glad!” – says the man.

Eugene sincerely hoped that the brother will arrive from Thailand completely recovered.

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