Тотьмянина о романе Ягудина с Савельевой: «Это было особенно неприятно!»
Skater told how was able to forgive a loved one.

Alexei Yagudin and Tatiana Totmianina

As a pair, Tatiana Totmianina and Alexei Yagudin was going through crises in relationships. Before the wedding skater for nine months has gone from a future wife. The separation of the pair happened, as I recognized Alex, silly, frightened him, what with Tatyana, he is all too “smooth” formed. At this time he had an affair with Sasha Savelyeva.

In the program “the Secret to a million” skater remembered that it really hurt the relationship yagudina with the soloist of group “Factory”. “It was especially frustrating. It wasn’t in the same team, but in the same space. And I saw…” said Totmianina.

To distract from what is happening, she is courting a young man not from the world of figure skating. The appearance of her boyfriend provoked Alexei to leave Savelyeva and try to return Totmjanina. Yagudin said that if at the time he met Tatiana at work, perhaps not to return. But to see her with others was intolerable.

Since then, Olympic Champions go through life hand in hand. Together they have two daughters: Elizabeth and Michelle. Recently, the family in full force departed on a well deserved vacation to Thailand. Despite the fact that the ability of Tatiana is somewhat limited (she recently had surgery on his leg), she gets great pleasure from the vacation.