Том Хиддлстон тайно ведет переговоры о съемках в юбилейной серии о Джеймсе Бонде

The main contender for the role of James bond, the Western media referred to actor Jamie bell.

However, to dismiss Tom Hiddleston while it is not necessary.

The vacant role left by a Brit, Daniel Craig, is likely to get for the star mini-series “the Night clerk”.

The fact is that close to the actor, insiders assure us that Hiddleston introduces the misleading press when he says that to him the producers of the films about agent 007 made a tempting offer.

Candidate Tom personally sympathetic to the producer of the James bond series, Barbara Broccoli, which, according to the Director of the previous films by Sam Mendes, almost single-handedly decides who will be the new James bond.

Nothing yet officially confirmed, but the British actor has long stated his desire to someday play bond: “If ever I was offered this role, it would be an incredible opportunity,” said Hiddleston a few months ago.

By the way, the producers of “James bond” also look for the Director, as the authority has recently removed Sam Mendes.

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