Толкалина публично объявила о расставании с Кончаловским The actress first spoke about his personal life. Until recently, Lyubov Tolkalina chose not to comment on its relations with Egor Konchalovsky. Despite the fact that celebrity dispersed, they retained friendly relations.

      Толкалина публично объявила о расставании с Кончаловским

      In January, the actress Lyubov Tolkalina hastened to summarize the past year and make plans for the future. A celebrity openly spoke about what was going on with her in 2016. In recognition of Tolkalina, she went through a lot, including conflicts with loved ones. “I definitely do not cope with the role of mother of a teenager, though I try… I fight to the death with family and loved ones, lots of crying. Understand that crying is first and foremost fun,” shared the star.

      In addition, the Love for the first time publicly spoke about parting with the civil husband Egor Konchalovsky. Rumors about this went a long time, but the stars denied them diligently, giving to understand that you don’t want to share with outsiders the details of his personal life. Only recently, the actress decided to break the silence and for the first time to talk about it.

      “And very secret, and most importantly – only finally parting with my husband, I learned how to be friends with him,” wrote Tolkalina on the page in one of social networks.
      Толкалина публично объявила о расставании с Кончаловским

      The star also admitted that he worked very hard last year. The actress who combine University studies at the faculty of theology with the filming was very difficult. Tolkalina almost did not sleep, and she didn’t have enough time for loved ones.

      “I was a rocket. And centres maintenance of aerospace equipment of different make-up… I hardly saw friends, and those who are able to embrace, still failed to heal. Many times I felt guilty. Again, I have not handed over session at the Institute. I don’t read books that I wanted. I cried and was hysterical from fatigue in Norilsk and Tashkent. And generally from exhaustion disgusting bitten a lot of people. With many ruined relationships… I’m ashamed and I’m truly sorry” – shared the actress.

      Despite the fact that Lyubov Tolkalina rascals with Yegor Konchalovsky, they have maintained warm and friendly relations. When the Director turned 51 years old, his ex-girlfriend made a touching post on Instagram.

      “Yesterday today was tomorrow… in the meantime, the birth of Yegor! Let the heart warm and the sun, and apricots, and the almonds are in bloom! I kiss and hug and eighty times a hundred, but only stronger! And despite all the love for art, I love him less than you. Friends and all concerned are requested to send congratulations to Egor” – shared the actress.

      Recall that the actress and Director have been together for nearly twenty years. Konchalovsky and Tolkalina began a life together in June of 1996. Celebrity did not register their relationship, believing that the stamp in the passport is optional. The couple has a daughter Maria, who last year was fifteen.

      Despite the decision to leave, Konchalovsky and Tolkalina has kept good relations. Former spouses regularly in touch, interested in the Affairs of each other and discuss issues related to the General education of daughters. In short, the actress and the Director managed to remain close friends. For many years for many they were an exemplary couple, so many tend to believe that in the future it will be difficult to find a soul mate. At the moment, each of them occupied solely by the business, and all their forces are concentrated on the projects.