До слез! Анна Михалкова трогательно поздравила старшего сына с совершеннолетием
The actress admitted that this year was the most difficult in her life.

Son Of Anna Mikhalkova Andrew

Today the eldest son of Anna Mikhalkova — Andrew — turned
18. Actress warmly and tenderly congratulated a young man coming of age. “18
years… I don’t know why they just flew by. I have not noticed. 18 years
explanation of the relationship, quarrels, reconciliations, frustration, admiration, discovery, and
importantly, 18 years of friendship and love! — wrote the actress in a personal microblogging. This
year one of the most difficult for me, probably just because it comes
a time when my involvement in your life are not so necessary. It’s time
to let go the little hot hand, which I kept all these years! We
always there, but then it all depends on your choice! Happy birthday”.

“Anna, congratulations. How touching, I
cried. Beautiful guy grew up” — commented on the photo published
Andrew subscribers actress. Next year Anna will once again celebrate the coming of age
son. This time, the younger Sergei, named after the famous grandfather
— Sergey Mikhalkov. The family star is also rising five year old daughter Lydia. By the way,
not so long ago Mikhalkov with its inherent sense of humor told me that
boys, in her opinion, to grow economically. The actress was joking when
published the daughter with manicure. “With the advent of Lida
the expenditure on care increased dramatically — smiled Mikhalkov. — Conclusion:
boys to grow economically! And, just to clarify, I love people with a sense of humor
advice on parenting are required, boys and little active girl
like the same way!”