34-year-old operator “While all houses” died of a heart attack. Eugene Deniskin, nine years of experience working in a popular family project, died during a business trip in one of the orphanages.
Sad news in the program “While all houses” on Sunday morning may 21, announced its permanent host Timur Kizyakov.
Timur Borisovich told viewers popular family project about the untimely death of program staff, 34-year-old operator Evgenia Deniskina. “Recently we lost our friend, our cameraman, who has worked in the program “While all houses” for nine years, Eugene Deniskin, – told Timur Kizyakov. – He died on a business trip. Went to take the kids for regular column “you will Have a child”, and there he had a heart attack”.
Doctors were unable to save the young man. Timur Kizyakov not announced the date of withdrawal Evgenia Deniskina, but apparently mournful event occurred in April. The presenter was quick to encourage all TV viewers to pay more attention to their health.
“At the slightest symptoms heart pain – immediately go to the doctor, – said Timur Kizyakov. – Do not think that it is a neuralgia, and that itself will take place. We, alas, pay attention to the cars than to their health”.
The reason for the message was another sudden death – the death of a 16-year-old son of the producer of group “Tender may” Andrei Razin. The musician became the hero of the next release of the program “While all houses”. And the conversation with him began with memories of the late Alexander. Andrei Razin has once again confirmed that the cause of his death was a complication caused by acute respiratory illness. Andrey Razin has discovered the truth about sudden death of son
“The doctor discharged him, after all, before – exams. But he still had a little lie down. And so then everything happened quickly. Developed an acute myocarditis, which instantly stopped his heart,” – said in the transfer of Andrei Razin.
According to the producer “Tender may”, his son had big plans for life. The guy is very well studied, externally acquired knowledge in the eleventh grade, where he moved after graduating from the ninth. After the final examinations Sasha wanted to enter the Academy of justice. Andrei Razin, suffering the loss of his son, gave to understand that no one blames for his death. “It happens, – said Razin. My good friend, chief medical examiner of the city of Sochi, honored doctor of Russia, like Sasha, had a cold, and died suddenly of a heart attack at age 60. It would seem that the physician had to provide. But no indication of complaints, nothing happened. There you have it. So even small illnesses should be taken seriously”.