Тимур Еремеев выиграл суд с Кариной Мишулиной The actress lawsuit on protection of honor and dignity was not satisfied. Karina is not going to stop and will challenge the decision. Himself Timur Yeremeyev said that is not gloating, he’s not happy about this win, as did not want it to come to legal proceedings.

Scandal between the Carina of Mishulin and Timur Yeremeyev has been ongoing for several months. Once in the program “Let them talk” announced the results of the DNA examination it seemed that the conflict is settled, because the test confirmed the relationship of the opponents. However, the successor of the famous actor decided to withdraw the lawsuit on protection of honor and dignity.

Karina noted that the court represents the interests of the mother, who is not willing to abandon the claim. This situation is very upsetting Timur, who hoped to establish a relationship with alleged relatives.

And so, after careful consideration of all the details of the case, Tushinsky district court returned a verdict. The suit Karina of Mishulin was not satisfied. The young woman hastened to comment on the situation on the page in Instagram.

“Today we were denied the claim, but it was clear, judging by the way we rejected all petitions, evidence, witnesses and so on. But thank God, there is audio clown that was going on in court. We didn’t lose, we just started! And break us out to anyone,” wrote Karina.

She stressed that Timur has not been recognized by the son of Spartaka Mishulina officially. That is why it is impossible to call her by a relative. The successor of the actor intends to continue continue to sue, seeking to meet Merensky interests and their.

Eremeev also hastened to tell about the situation. In the opinion of men, he can not feel happy, because dreams are not about winning in court, and cancellation of any proceedings.

“In any case, do not gloat and do not celebrate the victory. Would all be better off if this lawsuit did not exist. Thanks to my lovely attorney and lawyers. And also to all who supported me,” said Eremeev.

Earlier Timur repeatedly said that he wants to establish a relationship with your sister. After DNA examination showed their relationship, Eremeev has begun efforts to establish contact with Karina. So, the alleged sister visited a play in which was involved a young man.

Apparently, the relatives failed to find a common language. In mid-February and all it turned out that the results of genetic examination, which confirmed the relationship Eremeeva and Spartaka Mishulina, was false. It turned out that the clown costume was not a viable DNA. That is why Karina needs to conduct another study.