Тимур Еремеев был серьезно обманут своей сестрой
At the end of last year Timur Eremeev was found with his sister in one of the restaurants.

Тимур Еремеев был серьезно обманут своей сестрой

Then the public thought that the relationship of the relatives finally got better, and they have no claims to each other. Now it turns out that then, Karen has organized this meeting to pick up machines that ate Timur.

Тимур Еремеев был серьезно обманут своей сестрой

“Think, where are the sticks which you eat”, – said sarin. I thought it was obvious. Karina somehow took them and sent for DNA examination to compare with him. That to me told her friend,” said Eremeev.

It became known that Timur only now, thanks to a friend of Karina, which requires of the actor a few tens of thousands of euros for the results.

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