Похудевшая Бейонсе восхитила поклонников новой фотографией
After the second pregnancy, the famous singer Beyonce was diligently engaged in its appearance.

Похудевшая Бейонсе восхитила поклонников новой фотографией

The result was not long in coming, but now the singer is prettier every day. Recently, in the microblogging Beyonce has a new photo where she appeared in a torn white t-shirt and red skirt with high waist.

Похудевшая Бейонсе восхитила поклонников новой фотографией

The outfit emphasized postroynevshaya a star shape and has delighted her followers. Followers bombarded the actress with compliments, admiring her transformation.

It should be noted that the relationship of Beyonce with her husband Jay-Z is not going smoothly. He some time ago confessed to infidelities, but the singer has forgiven the adulterer for the sake of the children.

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