Дети подарили Ольге Кабо ювелирное украшение
Touched mom heartily thanked the son and daughter for the beautiful and generous gift.

Olga Kabo

Photo: Instagram

This morning, Olga Kabo unexpectedly pleased her
children: daughter Tatiana, and son Victor. Star mom woke up because someone
fingers touch her wrist. It turned out, Tanya with brother wore on the hand of Olga their
General gift — a beautiful gold bracelet.

“My morning began with
pleasant surprise — shared the actress. — Children put on my hand a gold
a bracelet with their names and dates of birth. Tanya and Vityusha, thanks
a very touching gift! You are always with me!”

Despite the fact that VIth only four years old, Olga
not surprised that he was involved in the choice of surprise for her.
Because Vityusha (so affectionately calls the son of actress), in her confession, feels
quite adult and independent. For example, Cape said, as the son
the most touching and surprisingly adult discussion on the topic of love and

“Vitya, too, trust me with your secrets of the heart. Recently came from a garden,
crying: “I don’t want to get married!” Let me explain. Vityusha’s friends with a girl from his
same group, very pretty, clever. One problem — fell in love with
Vitya… in the Morning does not go to kindergarten, while Victor’s not coming: waiting for it
takes the hand and sometimes even kisses, and then they go to class. And
it would have been nice if she hadn’t insisted on immediate marriage. My boy
even began to be afraid, to hide from his groupies. So. Try it
to calm, and he was even more upset: “I just for you want
to get married, I just love you!” I explain that married to dad, and Victor immediately
is: “because Dad loves me, he will understand and allow me to take you to wife!”
Here such passion!” — said Olga