Нашлись свидетели того, что Рита Дакота изменяла Владу Соколовскому
How to assure the people from the inner circle Sokolovskogo Vlad and Rita Dakota – truth has two sides.

Нашлись свидетели того, что Рита Дакота изменяла Владу Соколовскому

That person was my aunt Vlada Tatiana Nesterova. It is, of course, scolded Vlad for his adventures and, for decency, called his behavior disgusting, but said that “in this situation, you can’t blame only one side.”

– Dear fans and admirers of Vlad and Rita, all those who wrote nasty things and threatening or “sincerely empathizes” — you know, what you now see is only the tip of the iceberg. Dear fans Rita – turn around on that part of your life that you are afraid to flaunt. And if you are without sin – throw the first stone in Vlad, – said Tatyana Nesterova.

Нашлись свидетели того, что Рита Дакота изменяла Владу Соколовскому

It turns out that this is a direct allusion to the fact that you and Rita have our vices. Apparently, Nesterov knows more than everyone else and Rita as well had an affair.

Well, all this was said for the fact that we still have time to rethink what happened and not to break up the family over such nonsense as treason. You just have to understand and forgive…