Сценарист фильма «Герой»: «Билан и Иванова сблизились после постельной сцены» Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina spoke about the difficulties of working with the famous singer. At the acknowledge of the author, Dima Bilan with the responsibility came to shoot in his debut for his feature film. The artist has developed a close relationship with onscreen partner Svetlana Ivanova.
Сценарист фильма «Герой»: «Билан и Иванова сблизились после постельной сцены»

Role in the film “Hero” became a debut for the singer Dima Bilan. The artist has repeatedly confessed, what a story that rasskazyvaetsya in the tape, turned out to be his very personal, a kind of milestone in a creative way. In anticipation of the premiere of the picture on the First channel “StarHit” contacted Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina, who wrote the screenplay for military romance.

As it turned out, Dima was not the only contender for the lead role in the play. For a long time, the makers were negotiating with Danila Kozlovsky, who was supposed to transform into Andrew Dolmatova.

“Initially, the idea to invite Dima to the main role it seemed to me wild. But as we have learned more about Dima when he realized that he truly lights up the subject, it became clear that he could handle such a daunting task,” says Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina.
Сценарист фильма «Герой»: «Билан и Иванова сблизились после постельной сцены»

I admit for a writer, Bilan has acting talent. Proper education received at the University helped the singer transform into a hero of another era. Despite the zeal the stars on film lpstat had conflicts, which, however, was quickly resolved.

Сценарист фильма «Герой»: «Билан и Иванова сблизились после постельной сцены»“I repeatedly saw how the Director argues with the actors, often heard shouting: “Dima, spin! Bearing! Do not forget – you guards officer!”. But in the end, all disputes and conflicts were forgotten when it became clear that the film turned out,” recalls Olga.
Сценарист фильма «Герой»: «Билан и Иванова сблизились после постельной сцены»

Many fans of the movie left in awe of the unusual ideas of storytelling. The film is set in several time periods. The main characters were separated during the First World war, but their descendants are still found happiness in our days. In the opinion of the writer, the love line was successful largely because of the connection that has arisen between the executors of leading roles on set.

“I saw that Dima and Sveta has developed a great friendship, they joked, teasing each other in between, but the scenes were always assembled and ready to work. I can only say that when filming an erotic scene, the film includes only a small fragment – the Director’s monitors gathered almost the entire crew. From all corners of the hall came running 40-50 lighting, sound, and administrators. All with bated breath looked at what was happening in a small room, where there was only Dima, Light and the operator” – shares memories of Olga.

The attraction between the main characters was so strong that even after the premiere, there were rumors about the affair of Dima Bilan and Svetlana Ivanova. However, according to the screenwriter of the film “Hero,” the relations of the actors only have a friendship.

Because the idea is deeply sunk into the soul of the author was established and the book is called “Hero.” The romance is a more extended version of the relationship of Andrew Dolmatova and Vera Chernysheva. Despite the fact that I liked the film for many viewers, its creators had to face considerable criticism. “Often heard disparaging comments from colleagues – “pop” commercial project “crunch French bread”. But to me it’s two years of hard work, more than a hundred variants of this scenario, learning a huge amount of historical material. Yes, we have conceived and directed the melodrama, but this is one of the most difficult genre”, – says Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina.

Now starring in the movie “Hero” busy music. Dima Bilan tours extensively, managing the work as a mentor on “the Voice.” However, fans hope that more will see it in full-length productions in various roles.