Женщина, называвшая себя дочерью Джанет Джексон, сделала анализ ДНК The singer not the only one to whom I addressed a stranger with a demand to recognize the kinship. In such a situation was many Hollywood stars, and not everyone was able to communicate with the so-called heirs.

      Женщина, называвшая себя дочерью Джанет Джексон, сделала анализ ДНК

      Show business is replete with stories of “lost heirs”. Out of nowhere there are people, who supposedly was born in dubious circumstances and was placed for adoption unnecessary. Genetic examination has closed the fishery for speculators, but did not stop the dreamers who believe in their complicated origin.

      Hello, mother…

      In March, a kind of Tiffany white recorded a video message to his “mother” Janet Jackson. 31-year-old girl said he forgives the star for the mistakes of youth and wants to build relationships. Prior to this, Tiffany two years corresponded with the alleged father, the first husband of singer James Debarge.

      Женщина, называвшая себя дочерью Джанет Джексон, сделала анализ ДНК“I am sure that after parting Janet gave birth to my baby,’ said Deberg. – And abandoned it under pressure from family, who feared that early motherhood will damage her career. Tiffany said that he had learned the secret of his birth from his dying adoptive mother, along with the details that no one else could know. She offered to take a DNA test”.
      Женщина, называвшая себя дочерью Джанет Джексон, сделала анализ ДНК

      50-year-old Janet, who in the beginning of the year gave third husband’s son Issa, refused to take the test. Genetic analysis proved only that James is not the father of Tiffany. So the lady is free to continue to consider myself the daughter of the singer – but now conceived as the result of an extramarital affair – while she Janet prefers to remain silent.


      In January 2016, the 34-year-old Italian Francesca Tartaglia announced herself the daughter of Liza Minnelli. “I have no hard evidence, said Francesca, with which five months was brought up in a foster family. But if you compare our photos, you’ll see a resemblance. I also inherited from her the rare genetic disease”.

      Женщина, называвшая себя дочерью Джанет Джексон, сделала анализ ДНК

      Francesca believes that the pregnancy Lisa was unwelcome proof of her infidelity to her husband – sculptor-Brand Giro. According to the official biography of the actress married to Marc she has experienced three miscarriages, then lost the ability to have children.

      “Lisa secretly deliver a baby at home his father in Italy, says Francesca. – Foster parents often hinted that my own mother is very famous.” The Italian claims that not chasing fame and money, she just wants to be “mom” support at the end of life.


      Jack Nicholson has always been a perfect target for women seeking a rich “dad” to his children. The actor does not remember the accidental mistress, not use condoms and do not bother DNA testing, preferring to believe the ladies on the floor. It is surprising that the number of its real and imaginary children have not yet passed even a dozen.

      Женщина, называвшая себя дочерью Джанет Джексон, сделала анализ ДНК

      A special story connected with 46-year-old Caleb Goddard, who for more than twenty years was the only boy among a litter of mini-Nikolaev. Although the actor called Caleb’s son, he kept the guy and talked with him, overcoming hostility to his mother Susan Anspach. But in 1992, Jack was born a son, Raymond, which became the main heir, because his paternity was never in doubt.

      Susan tried to defend the rights of Caleb on the preference in the division of $400 million, which is estimated as the Nicholson. As expected, the lawyers for the actor quickly gagged her.

      “I told Jack that no claims – recalled Caleb. – To raise the hype in the press was the idea mom. Jack replied that she was always a hopeless fool, and he regrets that he contacted her.”