Why famous TV presenter did not become a father?
Yuri Nikolaev with his wife Eleanor
Yuri Nikolaev with his wife Eleanor have been together for over 40 years, but children in pairs. Appearing in the programme “Tonight”, the couple spoke openly about the lack of heirs. Nikolaev immediately made it clear that for him this subject is painful. He deeply regretted that he never knew the joy of fatherhood. “Alas, we have no children. Tragedy. Pain,” said 69-year-old Yuri.
But Eleanor is much more willing to talks about why their family has not appeared child. For some inexplicable reason, she just couldn’t get pregnant from her husband. The pair passed the examination, but doctors could not name the reason for the childlessness of the couple.
Since then, medicine has leaped forward. An example of Emmanuel Vitorgan, who became a father at 78 years old, says that for a family of Nikolaev, all is not lost. The couple could use a surrogate mother or adopt a baby from the orphanage, but these options are neither Eleanor nor Yuri are no longer considered. The wife of Nikolaev were as fair to the audience: now it is no longer “pulls” the education of a small child.
“Abortions we do, maybe blood group incompatible, I don’t know. Previously did not have such opportunities as now — says Eleanor. And now… Where to have kids when they need to grow and put on feet? We didn’t do anything, not to have children. But alas. And this is a serious problem, I don’t recommend it!” Nikolaev happily interacts with his nephews, who in some ways replaced his own children.