Супруга рэпера ST оказала огромное влияние на него
Alexander Stepanov, who is well-known under the pseudonym St., for two years married to his wife Assol Vasilyeva.

Супруга рэпера ST оказала огромное влияние на него

Many affected family idyll, the couple often goes out together. Recently, Alexander told how he influenced his wife.

“I never had the feeling of a complete family, so I always wanted to create a strong unit of society. By the way, for which I am especially grateful to Assol – she reconciled me with my family. After the divorce I talked to my dad and mom haven’t had the best of relationships.

Assol first reconciled me with my mother and regularly calls up with her, then with his father (he has two children). This year we even went to the 90th birthday of my grandmother, mother and father. The whole family depends on her,” shared the rapper in an interview.

The couple admit that they love to spend time with each other, and life has not killed the passion between them.

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