Вдова Спартака Мишулина готова на его эксгумацию для нового ДНК-теста Valentina K. is going to take a desperate step. She does not believe that Spartaka Mishulina could be a second family. Before the New year experts have proven the relationship between him and Timur Yeremeyev.
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For several months Timur Eremeev sought to prove that he is the bastard son of the famous actor Spartaka Mishulina. Legitimate daughter Karina was outraged by such statements. She agreed to undergo a DNA test found the Carlson suit, which was made by her father. The technicians compared the samples of the biomaterial with the blood of the actress, and on this basis, the experts could analyze and prove that Eremeev was really the son Mishulina.Timur Eremeev about the result of the DNA test: “Spartak Mishulin my dad? It was not a surprise for me»

Prior to the examination Karina has filed a lawsuit against Timur in the protection of honor and dignity. Despite the fact that the young actor was able to prove his words, the woman did not withdraw the suit. Today, all defendants in this complicated case are gathered in the Studio of “Andrey Malakhov. Live” once again to discuss new details.Karina Mishulina against Timur Eremeeva. Online broadcasting from a court hall

Before program entry, Karina visited my father’s grave. She admitted she does not believe the results of the study and intends to reach the end in this matter.

“I had a desire to commit suicide. As it would not look strange, even now I believe that truth is on our side. Don’t see the point in this life,” admitted Karina through her tears.
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Michelino mind that even seemingly Eremeev not like her father. The actress has told to Andrey Malakhov – her mother is not easy to realize that her loved one could be her secret. They are willing to go to desperate measures to prove the innocence of Spartak Vasilyevich.

“Dad could not have a second family. My mom is so desperate that they are ready for the exhumation,” – said Karina.
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Mishulina said I don’t see anything wrong – after all, this result depends on the honor of the family. Valentina K. also came to the Studio. Some experts do not believe in the results of the DNA test.

“This man, Timur, no son of Spartak Vasilyevich is not. There is a lot of evidence, and in the near future will be even greater. The young man is an unscrupulous figure in the project. The writers picked the wrong type. If you go to Moscow you can find two thousand people, much more similar than this young man” – said the medical examiner Victor Kolkutin.

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Karina admitted that he hoped for a fair examination – after all, they chose the lab. However, in her opinion, Timur intervened in the proceedings, and therefore received the positive results of the study.

The family’s lawyer Michelini Igor Simonov reported sensational details. As it turned out, the investigation revealed – Timur Yeremeyev could be another dad.

“Received information that there is the father and it is not Spartak Vasilyevich,” said the lawyer.