Свадьба Дианы Шурыгиной запомнится дракой жениха
Yesterday, 5 October, the wedding took place the infamous Diana Shurygina, she combined knot with her lover, videographer Andrey Slaheny.

Свадьба Дианы Шурыгиной запомнится дракой жениха

But the triumph was marred by a fight between the bridegroom and showman Vladimir Torenim who wanted to give the bride eight red carnations in a glass jar. But the guards promptly noticed this and brought the young man out of the restaurant, where he caught up with Andrew Slagen.

Свадьба Дианы Шурыгиной запомнится дракой жениха

The result is a fight ensued, the bride started beating showman. But after numerous requests for Diana’s young people decide to stop a fist fight, and all the guests return to the hall.

Apparently Shurygin will always accompany any scandals, so in turn she became famous.

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