«Уральский пельмень» Вячеслав Мясников привлекает подписчиков в соцсетях необычным способом
Vyacheslav Myasnikov, the singing of Ural dumplings, has dedicated a new song to modern digital technology.

«Уральский пельмень» Вячеслав Мясников привлекает подписчиков в соцсетях необычным способом

The track became a surprise and for fans of Vyacheslav, and for those who heard the songs Myasnikova as part of the show “Ural dumplings”. Song made in dance style, and arrangement is radically different from all previous songs of the artist.

«Уральский пельмень» Вячеслав Мясников привлекает подписчиков в соцсетях необычным способом

In the first verse Vyacheslav talks about the difficulties faced by love, separated by distance. But in the chorus the audience (or rather, the listener – the song is addressed) is prepared from Vyacheslav is a simple recipe for overcoming all difficulties : Go to instagram. I’m in there.

Vyacheslav introduced a new track in the following words: ‘recently I became interested in all kinds of social services – instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter. So far I’ve only managed to master instagram. About it I wrote a new song’. By the way, in instagram Vyacheslav a lot of subscribers – more than 44 thousand

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