Преображение жены Никиты Пресняков не понравилось ее поклонникам
Model Alena Krasnova long time has not changed their usual way with light hair.

Преображение жены Никиты Пресняков не понравилось ее поклонникам

But after the wedding, Nikita Presnyakov, the girl decided on a radical transformation of his appearance. Fans were horrified upon seeing a new photo of Alena, where she appeared with purple hair and braces in her teeth.

Преображение жены Никиты Пресняков не понравилось ее поклонникам

“It looked like a teenager of about 14 years,with this color hair and braces!” – wrote one of the subscribers Krasnova.

But many followers notice that Allen looks just fine and do not spoil the impression of even the braces on your teeth.

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