У человека-амфибии появился внук? Russian Internet is filled with ironic fotozhaby.
У человека-амфибии появился внук?

Almost the same day when it became known that the American film Academy recognized “Form of water” the best film, the Russian Internet was filled with ironic photoshopped pics where the actor Vladimir Korenev in the image of the protagonist of “fish-Man” rejoices in his American grandson, received the “Oscar” (the Central character of “forms of water” – the same creature from the aquatic environment).

Surprisingly, “the amphibian Man” was published in those years, when the effect of the Oscar-winning picture in the early 60’s.

У человека-амфибии появился внук?And these two films are United by the theme of eternal love, which, as we know, all is subject. And just as beauty gutiere (Anastasia Vertinskaya) in the name of the young man ichthyander (Vladimir Korenev) rejects wealth and a sweet life, a mute gray lady Eliza (Sally Hawkins) rush to save the amphibian mutant (Doug Jones).

So live these feelings, go to “Form of water” and redefine “Person-amphibian”. You will not regret!