Звезда «Уральских пельменей» показала дочь
Ilana St. George for the first time brought out a small Diana.

Ilana St. George with her husband, businessman Dmitry Dildine, and daughter Diana

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Ilana St. George and her husband, businessman Dmitry Dyldin on the occasion of the first birthday of their daughter Diana decided to arrange for his Princess a true celebration and gathered in the suburban country club friends at the gala dinner.

The room is beautifully decorated with dozens of colorful balloons and the numbers “1”, which gladly took photos with guests. And in the center of the festive table put a cake with a single candle, which a little birthday girl could blow out on their own, though not on the first try.

Guests gave the birthday girl a lot of presents. And Ilana, admiring the daughter, recalled how at the time, carefully picked up the name of a future daughter. “I was looking for it in consonance with with the name and patronymic girls. That turned out so beautiful: Diane D. Dildine!” — Ilana smiled. At the end of the holiday a happy mother said: “like today, my husband was not worried even in the morning before the wedding.”

We will remind, in the show “Ural dumplings” Ilana involved with 2012. In General, the screen of St. George first appeared at the age of seven: she was a children’s television program in his native Bishkek. In addition to working on television Ilana in films, particularly in
the series “Sweet life” and in the Comedy “One left”, where the main roles were played by Dmitry Nagiyev and Polina Gagarina.

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