Звезда «Уральских пельменей» со скандалом забрала дочку из детского сада
Ilana St. George transferred the two-year Diana “home schooling”.

Ilana St. George with daughter Diana

Photo: @ilana7788 Instagram Ilana St George

Ilana Yuriev told about the conflict, because of which she had to pick up my daughter from kindergarten. The star of “Ural dumplings” has announced that it is now two years Diana will engage in developing a practice at home. And all because of “deadbeat” moms of other kids who bring their sick kids to preschool. As told to Ilana, she repeatedly appealed to the parents of other children with a request to monitor the health of “kindergartners”. Kids lead the group with a runny nose and cough, and from them infected the daughter of the actress Diana. However, Ilana communication with other parents nor to no avail.

“We went there only for 3 hours, so to speak, to communicate with peers and for learning lessons (music, drawing, dancing, pool, activities for the development of logic, etc.). Garden we have a very good and beautiful, and the teachers I really liked (it is necessary to try) If not one “but”. Why moms lead to the garden undertreated children??

Why do you think that only you need to go about their business, but the others don’t ?! Come in a group, half the kids are coughing!! Question: “Why let sick kids in the garden”?! Answer: “They are not sick, they have residual!” In General, we are sick for a week, then went to daycare for 3 days and got sick again for 2 weeks… Decided that we do not need such “development”. Will develop house!”