Звезда «Уральских пельменей» Илана Юрьева рассказала о любимом виде фитнеса
The actress shared the secret how to be slim without visiting the gym.

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» Илана Юрьева рассказала о любимом виде фитнеса

Ilana St. George

Photo: Courtesy Of Ilana St George

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» Илана Юрьева рассказала о любимом виде фитнеса

Ilana St. George with daughter Diana

Photo: Courtesy Of Ilana St George

Skitzshow the star of “Ural dumplings” Ilana St. George admits that her perfect figure was achieved thanks to a regular and serious fitness activities. However, the actress believes that in house conditions it is possible to monitor its appearance.

“My favorite
Spa treatment is a bath, treat — natural honey and fruits and vegetables
private area, and the best fitness work in the beds” — Ilana talks about her year old system of healing. And as a bonus I still get a beautiful tan, which, in contrast to the South, lasts a long time!”

Ilana St. George

Photo: Courtesy Of Ilana St George

Ilana weeding the beds with year-old daughter Diana: “I dig with a big shovel, and a daughter — little… Time spent in nature — the best it can be, especially for
children. Therefore, whenever possible we try to leave the city.
The cottage is not close, and if I periodically go to work in
Moscow, Diana remains in the country”.

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