Звезда «Уральских пельменей» довела себя до истощения
Fans scared as Ilana, St. George.

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» довела себя до истощения

Ilana St. George

Photo: @ilana7788 Instagram Ilana St George

Ilana St. George

Fans are confident in the pursuit of harmony Ilana Iourieva have lost a sense of proportion. The star of “Ural dumplings” shocked the visitors of high fashion Week in Moscow. The actress showed excessive thinness, which has become the subject of discussion in the Network.

“Ilan it’s time to save… Trouble!”, “Take care of yourself — eat!”, “Thinness… just bones! Is it beautiful?” write Ilan fans. It is worth noting that St. George recently received a psychological trauma that influenced her perception of her body. The fact that the artist long time has been the wrong fight obesity. Instead, begin to engage in the gym, Ilana, in the pursuit of beauty, put the village on a strict mono-diet. She ate only low-fat cottage cheese, which began to recover even more.

“I ate one low fat cottage cheese and drink 1% yogurt and recovered, swelled, became more and more! It’s a terrible feeling… very! When you don’t control your body when your face becomes 5 times greater, and facial features change, and you don’t eat burgers and drink coke. And all around you say: “Stop eating!”. I remember as a nightmare” — said not so long ago, Ilana.

Due to the balanced nutrition and sports St. George’s managed to regain a slender figure. Now, however, artist it’s hard to stop: she continues to lose weight. Ilan, how do you think fans need to go to the doctor, as similar experiments with health can negatively affect health.