Звезда «Уральских пельменей» устроила званый ужин в день рождения дочери
Daughter Ilana St George, Diana has 2 years old.

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» устроила званый ужин в день рождения дочери

Ilana St. George with daughter Diana

Photo: personal archive of the actress

Daughter Ilana St George Diana

The daughter of actress of the show “Ural dumplings” Ilana St George
Diana recently turned two. This year, unlike loud
celebrate the first birthday of Diana, all took place in the narrow family circle. For
table gathered only relatives: parents Dmitry and Ilana and godfather to Ernest
Rudyak with the girl.

What were the gifts received by the birthday girl, famous
mom decided not to extend. We only know that the night before home to them.
brought a huge bunch of balls, which decorated the whole apartment: when in the morning
Diana woke up, her joy knew no bounds. Dishes for a festive table
Ilana and her husband Dmitry had prepared themselves.

“The only thing we ordered — it was cake all
the rest were willing to own, says Ilan St. George. — Me, in principle, possible
to call a lover to cook, and I think tastier than homemade food no
nothing. And what could be better than to cook your own meals for a quiet
family night?! Why people have ceased to collect guests at home — it’s so
great?! Yes, it is difficult, and in the restaurant come easy, as there are you first all
will be served, and then you will be removed. But a warm and homey atmosphere
it turns out”.