Звезда «Уральских пельменей» празднует пополнение в семье
Vyacheslav Myasnikov became a father for the third time.

Vyacheslav butchers with his wife Nadezhda and son Nikita

Photo: @miasnikov.Vyacheslav Myasnikov’s Instagram

In the family of “Ural dumplings” — Vyacheslav Myasnikov happy event happened. The actor recently became dad of many children. Hope his wife gave him another son. The delivery was from one of hospitals of Ekaterinburg. As reported by butchers, mom and baby are both doing well. He Vyacheslav followed fashion trends to attend the birth of his wife, he chose to wait for the birth of the third son outside the maternity room.

His son, who was named Nikita, the artist proudly presented to his fans. He did it through social networks: his microblog has a frame made at the time of discharge, his wife and a newborn baby boy from the hospital.

“Well, guys. Congratulate me, Nadia and Nikita! Love you all!” — Vyacheslav told.

In the family of the star of “Ural dumplings” grows two more boys. Twins Maxim and Konstantin were very happy and the brother. By the way, the butchers family continues to reside in Yekaterinburg. Despite the frequent business trips to Moscow, the artist basically does not want to carry wife and children to the capital.