Звезда «Универа» предложила журналистам «гореть в аду»

The star of the sitcom “Univer” Nastasya Samburski has always been a sharp tongue. The girl will always find a way to answer their oppressors, and for the “armchair commentators” even takes short videos where they wrap the angry comments in their favor.

But not only network users Samburski cause fits of rage. Members of the media also sometimes spoil the mood of the actress. The last such incident occurred on Monday at the awards ceremony Fashion People Awards, where Nastasia won in the category “actress of the year”.

After receiving their awards Samburski talked to reporters which, according to the girl, asked her provocative questions, and conclusions on emotions.

“Suit, are represented by other broadcasters, first the normal questions are asked, then gradually beginning to move to the provocation and display of emotion. With horror, waiting for the new story roundnose online or obosranye on NTV. Damn you all to hell! Are you not ashamed? Just what need to be a thing to bring people to the shaking. Use the fact that a lot of people and you in the snout no one will hit when people? This is your bread? Yes, I would land ate than this bread. If I ignored this question, now will the courts go to hell, you make people think that I was sick and my people rest, and I’m on the sidelines need you to sit and take the “blows of fate”? Fuck land ol”, — wrote the artist in an angry Instagram

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